03 October 2006

Check out the e-dayz website

I have not been standoffish - just disconnected from the web. On wed sep 20 the server my isp was using in queensland just shut down and closed the doors. It was late wed 27 before I was connected again. Since all my email was tied to the website I could not even access webmail.

I was sorry to miss the last session but had no way of accessing or even letting you know, Val. (didn't think of the old phone, sorry). Trying to keep a business/RTO running with end of month reports due (electronically of course) and student needs on the learning site has been some experience - with no internet.

Then on the 28&29 I was immersed in E-Dayz in Adelaide - two days of more information, technology and networking face to face with people I only normally communicate with electronically because of distance. Most of the presentations will be up on the conference website in the near future - some of the new resources and new ways of using slightly older ones would be worth checking out. http://www.edayz.org/ The program is there to give you some idea of the topics covered - all elearning stuff. I will be recording the highlights for me in my blog (if anyone is interested), over the next few days.

Goodluck with your projects and putting what you have learned into practice over the coming months.

I did learn one thing - I am addicted/dependent on the internet to an extent never thought possible. It was a good reminder.


Blogger Val Evans said...

Thanks Elke for joining our team - from Mt Gambier. It has been wonderful having someone external to NSW contribute to our learning and sharing your experiences.

I can well understand the need for technology to work when you are at such a distance! I know how I feel if it just seems to be going a little slower than normal! Oh patience ...

All the best Elke, and I will keep an eye on your Blog.

11:21 am  

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