22 August 2006

Managers finding time to learn

One of the observations when facilitating a team of managers wanting to implement elearning is the challenge for them to find the time to participate and engage with new technologies.

I noticed a posting on another site recently which mentioned how many managers don't know how to compile a powerpoint slideshow, and/or move the slides along. I'm guilty of not having responded to the posting (it was a time issue for me!) but the issue of time to learn new things is indeed very real for managers. I wonder if anyone out there has any great suggestions as to how managers might be able to do this better? And do managers really need to know how to use these technologies, or just understand what they can do?

16 August 2006

It's a Wiki This Time!

I have just set up a wiki for our team and anyone else who would like to contribute so that we can build a dynamic resource for Managers of VTE organisations or sections implementing eLearning. Check it out and feel free to contribute.

Another Blog

Feeling Good, I've created another Blog. This one is for our Cluster - at http://mnccommunitycolleges.blogspot.com Greatest achievement was creating the links. I still can't work out how to put a photo in the profile (I'd like to put our logo there) but I'm working on it.

08 August 2006

Finding my way around these sites

I've put in a bit of practice, and created a blog for our College. I think I may have spent around an hour just trying to workout where to log-in, and how did I create my first post? Hopefully it will all be second nature soon.


07 August 2006

A multitude of challenges

It was great to meet you all last week and I wish you all the best for your project.

I hope over the coming weeks you are able to explore:
- what the Framework is all about and what it can offer your RTOs
- exactly what e-learning encompasses in 2006
- what some of the new and emerging options and issues are in e-learning in 2006
- connections and collaborations that will support you post-project
- the particular management issues for RTOs in an e-learning world

Keep track of the NSW LearnScope blog- http://www.nswlearnscope.com (mmm - having to type in the url as blogger is not accepting my hyperlinks) . Alex will help to make connections to ensure you are part of the state-wide 'family'.

A new learning journey

Well, our team is all new to blogs and social software so we are on quite a new learning journey. The NSW LearnScope Managers in eLearning project is focusing on the critical issues relevant to Managers of organisations (in our case vocational training and educational RTOs)who are implementing eLearning as a learning option. We hope to use this space to post our thoughts and map our journey. We would love to hear your comments as we go.
Val (Facilitator)